About Kisa Donation App

App Description

Welcome to Kisa Donation App . Kisa is a donation platform tailored for content creators, especially YouTubers, to facilitate receiving and sending donations during live streams. With Kisa, YouTubers can seamlessly integrate donation alerts and track their donation goals in real-time, enhancing engagement with their audience.

Kisa collects personal information from users during the donation process. This information may include:

User-provided information: Users have the option to donate anonymously, entering any name they choose, which will be displayed to donors. Additionally, users can send messages along with their donations.

Automatically collected information: Kisa does not collect any personal information automatically unless the user is logged in. In such cases, information such as IP addresses may be collected for security purposes.

When users register with Kisa, they have the option to sign up as a YouTuber or using their Google account. Both options utilize Google OAuth for authentication. When users opt to continue with the YouTuber option, Kisa accesses their YouTube channel data using the Google YouTube Data V3 API. This includes sensitive information such as YouTube thumbnails, title, channel custom URL, and channel ID.

Kisa does not collect sensitive user information such as card details unless users choose to remember their card for future payments. Kisa also offers payment options such as Google Pay and Apple Pay.

It's important to note that Kisa's collection and use of user data comply with the Google API Services User Data Policy and adhere to the principles of transparency, security, and limited use outlined therein.

Utilization of Google OAuth2 User Data

Our application, ქისა (Kisa), accesses and utilizes various types of user data from Google, including regular data such as email addresses, primary email, names, surnames, avatars, and more. Additionally, we access YouTube Readonly Data, specifically utilizing YouTube channel names and channel logos.

How We Use Google User Data:

The Google user data accessed by our application is utilized primarily to generate user public profiles. When a user registers with Google, their name, surname, and avatar are set as their public profile. If a user registers with YouTube, their YouTube channel name and channel logo are set as their public profile.

Data Collection and Storage:

At ქისა (Kisa), we collect and store user data to provide our services effectively. When you register with our platform, we collect the following information:

  • Google Account ID
  • Name
  • Email
  • Profile Image

This information is securely stored in our MongoDB users database. Here is a summary of the data we collect and store:

User Information:

  • Name: Your name is stored to personalize your experience on our platform.
  • Email: Your email address is used for communication purposes and account verification.
  • Profile Image: An image associated with your account is stored to customize your profile.
Note: Only your display name and display image are visible to other users on our platform.

Additionally, if you grant us permission to access your YouTube data, we will save your YouTube channel details. This includes:

  • YouTube Channel ID
  • Title
  • Custom URL
  • Thumbnails

The YouTube channel information is securely stored in our MongoDB database and is accessible only to you and our authorized personnel.

Should you have any concerns or questions regarding the collection, storage, or usage of your data, please feel free to reach out to us at contact@kisa.ge.

Storage of Google User Data:

All user data, including Google user data, is securely stored in our MongoDB users database. We maintain strict measures to ensure the security and integrity of the data stored in our database.

Sharing of Google User Data:

We do not share any Google user data collected by our application with third parties. The data collected is solely used for the purposes outlined above and is not shared or distributed outside of our application.

Security Measures:

We employ robust security measures to safeguard the Google user data collected by our application. These measures include encryption protocols, access controls, and regular security audits to mitigate any potential risks to user data.

Compliance with Limited Use Policy:

Our application, ქისა (Kisa), ensures that our privacy policy and utilization of Google user data obtained via Restricted and Sensitive Scopes fully comply with Google's Limited Use Policy.

To confirm our commitment to this policy, we have included the following disclosure:

Kisa's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding our handling of Google user data or our compliance with Google's policies, please don't hesitate to contact us at contact@kisa.ge.

3. Purpose of Collection

Kisa collects personal information for the following purposes:

  • To facilitate the donation process and provide users with the option to donate anonymously.
  • To enable users to send messages along with their donations.
  • To enhance user experience by offering payment options such as Google Pay and Apple Pay.
  • To improve our services and customize the user experience based on user preferences.
  • To ensure the security of user data and prevent fraudulent activities.

Kisa does not collect any unnecessary personal information and ensures that the collected data is used solely for the purposes stated above.

Privacy Policy

For more details on how we handle your data, please review our Privacy Policy.

Who is requesting Google user data?

Kisa is the application that seeks access to Google user data. We maintain the confidentiality of any authorized client credentials obtained to access Google API Services.

What data are we requesting?

Kisa requests various types of user data from Google, including email addresses, primary email, names, surnames, avatars, and YouTube Readonly Data such as YouTube channel names and channel logos. Any additional data not originally disclosed in our privacy policy will be updated, and users will be prompted to consent to any changes before accessing that data.

Why are we requesting Google user data?

We request Google user data to accurately generate user public profiles within the Kisa application. This data is primarily used for donation purposes during live streams. We are honest and transparent with users regarding the purpose for which Kisa requests user data. If any data is used for a secondary purpose, users will be notified accordingly. Users should readily understand the value of providing data to Kisa and the consequences of sharing that data.